Blogging, is it what it is now?
Recently, a few friends of mine have switched over to Blog beta, something which allows you to set your blog to private, where only "permitted" users can view them.
To be honest, I laughed at the idea of a "private" blog in the first place.
Because, frankly speaking, there's no such thing as a private blog. It's not even how well you want to find it. It's merely how interested the other party is in finding your blog.
Firstly, blogs are published on the internet, a medium for all to view. It's like a newspaper or a book, where everyone gets to view it. You may hide the book, but if someone really cares, they'll find it anyway.
So then came password protection by idiots who truely believe that their blog is so special, it's only to be read by a select few. Java script, 32,64, even 128 hex-bit passwords are created just to keep their blogs from "unauthorised eyes".
Now comes blogger beta, allowing only invited users to read the blog.
Which then comes my question.
What is a blog?
First of all, a blog isn't your personal secret diary you hide in your closet. If that's the case, you can store your "blogs" on your harddrive, cd, floppy, whatever. Blogs are created for people to read. You make them, because you want this little sense of satisfaction that people are interested in your lives.
Or basically, a place where you can put your views for others to know.
And what's wrong with that? The Sony-DRM case was highlighted by a blogger. Podcasting made some london girl famous as she sang from her basement onto her way to the CD charts.
Hence, a blog is something which is open, something which you are interested in others to view. It is not something you hide in the base of your closet, hoping that your pesky little brother won't find it.
However, people want to be noticed. However, they don't want everyone to notice it. They want to swear at some dude who annoyed them, and let their elite group of friends know.
They password it.
Then, won't it completely destroy the meaning of having a blog? If you password it, isn't it the same as writing your thoughts on MSN, and telling it to your friends?
What's the difference then?
Moreover, some of this blogs I frequent don't have a lot of visits, but the owners password it, and spread it all to their friends, who are possibily the only readers of the site.
So again, what's the difference?
Seriously, if you are going to password your blog and make it oh-so-secretive, get rid of it. You don't need it.
You should just go back to pen and paper.